The Family

The strength of the church is based in the spiritual life of its members and families. God expects families to have mutually satisfying relationships (Mal. 4:6). He desires that husbands and wives experience unity (Matt. 19:5, 6); that parents “do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4).

 The guiding principles of the Bible direct that Christians nurture the spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs of the individuals, couples and families who constitute the fabric of fellowship in the church. When the church ministers to the needs of families as Christ did, they are restored to wholeness. Families who feel complete, and have harmonious relationships, are more likely to be dedicated to God’s goals (Col. 2:10).
Family crises cannot be the only motivation for family ministry. Healthy family functioning is a primary goal. A family should provide for the transmission of values, and be a witness for God in the world of His power to unify and engender the happiness of each person. The family is the ordained place where human beings can experience love to its fullest extent—romantic love, friendship love and redemptive love.